Mitchell Fenton
Mitch Fenton grew up in Winnipeg and now lives with his family on Toronto Island. During the school year, he works part-time at the Ontario College of Art & Design University.
He paints en plein air with oils on small wood panels while traveling. His set-up is very portable, enabling him to hike into remote areas. Hiking has become an integral part of his painting process; clearing of the mind, acceleration of the pulse - all in anticipation of stopping to begin a composition, whether it be in small details in the lichen and rocks with wildflowers, or cropped abstract patterns of rocks meeting a lake, to the perfect alignment of a grand vista. He also takes photographs. It has been said that, "It is not the destination but the journey, that is more important." This is certainly true for his process.
New Seasonal Portrait in the Fenton Gallery for the Island Art Crawl - Birdwatcher (Migration Time)
Starting point for Rogue Wave too. A friendly neighbourhood game of “I Spy” - terms of engagement and scorecards at the Fenton Gallery.